Everyone seems to have a Blog these days, at work they all seem to have one. Either at home or officially as part of promoting the business.
Apparently, it would seem, you're nobody unless you have a Blog. My section, at work, seem to fall into that category, as we have not been asked to start one.
Not surprised, we're too busy, unsexy and also we're nobodies. We are the IT team that keep the company running. It's a level I have become used to, and somewhat depicted in the IT Crowd sitcom. However, the few episodes I have seen could have been so much funnier if they had really pushed to see how IT departments view the rest of the workplace and how the rest of the workplace then views the IT department.
I'm relatively new to Blogs, I've read a few, occasionally they are interesting, and useful, but most seem full of wild rantings from deranged lunatics trying to find an outlet. I imagine this one may fall into the latter. Not only that this is probably totally clichéd first entry.
So what are you likely to see here. Various things. IT, rantings of a football (soccer) fan, about my ever failing team, and the odd bit of Dungeons and Dragons humour.
Hey it keeps me off the streets.
PS Hooray for Blogger. My PC threw a wobbly half way through writing this and the autosave thing ensured I did not have to think it all up twice.