Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Under the sun

Have not given an official reason for leaving yet. In essence I do not think it best to give my real reason. So I've started a little contest with myself to think of another reason. Some preposterous some not so.
  1. Won the lottery a few months back, and to be honest I don't really want to work any more. (9)
  2. I'm having a sabbatical, touring round the world for a year in a yacht. (8)
  3. I've had a better offer, not metioning anything (2)
  4. I'm not very good at this job and to be perfectly honest I'm doing you a favour, I've going to somewhere where I'm more suited. (3-4)

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Never leave your mobile unattended

Learned a valuable set of lessons today.
1) Don't leave your mobile on the desk at work and walk away
2) Don't leave your mobile on the desk at work and walk away when you are looking for a new job
3) Don't leave your mobile on the desk at work and walk away when you are looking for a new job and you sit next to your boss
4) Don't leave your mobile on the desk at work and walk away when you are looking for a new job and you sit next to your boss and he picks up the phone and the prat of a recruitment agent says "Hi we saw X's CV on Monster today."

Somewhat iffy silence existed between us when I got back from taking a delivery, but then that often happens.
My boss then asked for a quick meeting. We're having a few of those at the moment as there has been some shuffling around in the department. So I was not unduly worried.
We had a quick discussion the usual thing until he practically asked me if I was intending to leave. At that point I could not find anyway around it and had to admit I was intending to leave the company.
He seemed genually shocked and abit upset by it. Personally I found that the most disturbing bit. From what I could see recently I had actually felt that perhaps he would have been gladly rid of me. Just goes to show.
I'll post more in a while as certain details may put certain colleagues under some difficult circumstances.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Happy Blog

It seems despite my urge to have stability in my life, I don't seem to keep in a job for a long period of time. Where I am now I have been for coming up three years. Pretty much a record.
I seem to perhaps get bored or disallusioned too easily, perhaps harking back to a time when I was incredibly happy with my job. Good pay, good colleagues, enjoyable work and stretched but not taxed. Only to watch the company go under due to others bull headedness.

But now I'm happy again, after at least a year of what seems utter drudgery, all stemming from work. I've started roleplaying again, and perhaps this finally made me get back into wanting to do something in my life. So I finally got off my square behind and started looking for that new job, I had been threatening to do for about six months.

The interview offers are now flowing in, and I have the embarrassing situation of trying to pretend I'm not receiving calls from recruitment firms, but old friends, builders, plumbers anyone but who it is.
But I'm happy, I've not even left the job I have resented for so long, just because I can see the end.

A colleague in the know, has asked am I doing the right thing. What is it that is making me leave? And am I likely just to fall into the same problem, he's recently joined believing something similar? Maybe I will, but at least I have belief I'm doing something about what seems to be making me so miserable, every Monday morning. Perhaps he doesn't want me to leave him with all the problems.

Whatever. It's a release and I feel like me again. Perhaps my boss suspects, he'd be a fool not to, as he's asking what he thinks about said colleagues promotion to team leader?

Frankly I don't care. I just say anything to stop talking to him. I'm going, and it make me feel good.

So my final word. If you not happy where you are, try someplace else. What's the worst, you're still not happy. But at least you've tried to do something about it, and perhaps had a thrill in the time being.

Happy job hunting people.