Monday, 13 December 2010

Cable Hell

I've just travelled some distance to get to a hosting centre my company has kit at. It's not easy or cheap really for us to do work down here, but this is where it's at.
So doing work is a pain, especially when you have to do it at stupid o'clock to cause least disruption to our customers.
So getting in, doing the shizzle and getting out asap is always a good thing. So things need to be prepared beforehand. What,when and by whom.
However arriving on site with barely any of the kit prepared and a few hastily written notes is not good, recipe for disaster.
So we've now discovered in our haste to get down here missing most of the rush hour traffic we've forgotten one cable. Ordinarily we wouldn't need it as it's only for initially setting up a device, the worst thing is the device is used for remote management of all the other kit we installing.