I lied didn't I. Well hopefully I'll put that to rights over the next few weeks.
I'm going to put in a few excuses, just because everybody likes giving excuses.
1) I got busy
2) I never actually had much of a chance to play it
3) I kinda forgot to.
So what is my main initial views on Earthdawn Third Edition.
1) It's a good game, enough rules to provide a framework, a rich and varied world
2) It's far better laid out that either of the two previous editions, the splitting of GM and player's guide is probably a good decision.
3) Various refinements, some optional play for those liking the old ways of doing certain things, or argue against game rule vs real world thoughs
1) It could have been better. Redbrick themselves admit it was rushed due to contract deals on publishing
2) Alot of rehashing. Alot of the material is straight copy from older editions, which means that to get some of the newer stuff, I'm seeing alot of the material I already have. And this is purely in core books, not sourcebooks. Though saying that as a newcomer you would probably view this as a PRO.
3) It's still very much the same as the previous two editions. A few tweaks here and there, nothing has really changed. In fact a number of 2nd Edition characters have been "converted" with no changes at all. The rest feel very much the same. Considering how many games systems (particularly looking at how DnD 4e has moved on) have evolved, ED is looking a bit Dinosaurish.
4) Poor support. Over six months on and very little had been released, in the way of supporting material. We have the original Guidebooks, an expansion for both GMs and Players (called companions). Nations of Barsaive I: Throal sourcebook, a rehash of the 1st edition release. Namegivers of Barsaive sourcebook, a amalgamation of previous 1st edition releases. Ardanyan's Revenge and Shards adventures, both updates from 1st to 3rd. The only truely original piece is Kratas: City of Thieves, which was to be released for Earthdawn Classic, but delayed for 3rd
So although I believe this is best edition yet, I have found it hard to justify my expenditure, if I was such a fan. Also my group that I play with has come to a shuddering halt in progress with the game we were in (I hate you Real Life).
If you have yet to play ED, this is the version for you. If you have Earthdawn Classic or 2nd Edition, possibly worth waiting unless you have a burning desire for the latest and greatest.
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