Monday, 16 August 2010

Arggh Android contd...

Well suddenly, later on yesterday downloads suddenly sprung into action. I don't know if it was to do with the googlemaps updates or what, but now I'm able to pretty much download most apps.

The ones I presume I can't are possibly because the the app server is not responding (I'm presuming there is offsite hosting for most of the apps)

So I'm much happier, though a little worried about how often this is going to happen.

As regards the Crackberry. There seems to be a little issue with the account, until later this week apparently the handset won't get proper GPRS, so some functionality is not available yet. i.e Facebook and msn. We're both hoping that facebook is going to work properly too, or I'll be getting some jealous digging in the ribs about my phone.

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