Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Someone having a rant, other than me

I work in a building that USED to be the local cemetery's chapel of rest. The keywords being "used to". There is a sign on the entrance saying the company name and also saying there is access to the CEMETERY.
The fact that the crematorium is next door (also sign posted), and accessed by a different entrance, is not our fault. We regularly get a few confused and slightly upset visitors.
But today we had a first. An irate mourner complaining to US that the crematorium is not well enough sign posted and it's not good enough (slamming the door on the way out).
Everyone has always been courteous, understanding the that person is possibly a little upset already. However, this slightly angered us and in some way amused us.

The main moral of this is one of general civility. Using abusive and threatening speech to someone who is unrelated to the issue you are complaining about is hardly going to endear them to helping you. If we had not already told them where to find the crematorium I would have given her false directions.

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