Wednesday 25 July 2012

Park and ride is not a facility for companies to fly post

Okay I'm getting abit sick of this now.

So it's been abit of a hard day, it's been hot/cold, I've endured sitting next to general public on public transport back to the park and ride, because the UK cannot create a decent integrated public transport system to get people to work. And/or there's just too many of us crammed into the place that living and working close by is just not possible.

I arrive back at my car waiting for it to be the oven or freezer that seems to be the extremes of our weather recently.


I first have to check round my car an retrieve the umpteen flyer stuck in my door, window, under the windscreen wiper etc. Seriously you're not gaining business through this, you're annoying people ensuring they never wish to trade with you again.

In addition I've already had serious rantings to the owners of the park and ride, who have funded it to encourage use of their service (which I imagine has worked considering it fills everyday), who even fly posted themselves once.
The ensuring fury was over the fact that after they posted, it rained briefly, and the coating on the paper acted as a very good glue. They apologised profusely and vowed never to do it again.

So the ensuing fact I now have a new strategy.

I have a selection of leaflets on my desk. Whenever I need an email address/phone number to access some site...

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Working with colleagues

Life can be stressful. Work can induce a lot of stress for people, especially when you asked to take on problems you have little control over. So regaining control is important to reducing your stress.
Communicate with your colleagues, use simple clear instructions and sentencing. Waffle and indeterminate expression may save some feelings, but it does not help. This is business, get things fixed, make the time for socialization over coffee at other times.
Use sensible lines of communications. Email is not suited to discussion. If you are giving multiple people information or instructions, but require for everyone to know what is going on, make sure each person knows the bits they are responsible for.
Never email some who sits next to you for a rant, if you have some issues. Either talk or if you are unble to talk instant message.
If you are under strain, ask for help, sensible help, make clear what you need, and thank them afterwards. Keep and amend those instructions for next time.
As an admin your job is a bunch of procedures, that hopefully you can put onto a junior. Find those procedures, get someone else to do them, then find a quiet corner to drink your coffee or play with something fun.

Why I like Linux more than Windows

Making black instant coffee

The Linux way

cat water.tap > /dev/kettle
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kettle/power
touch coffee.cup
JAR=`find /home/kitchen/cupboard/* *java*`
head -c $JAR > coffee.cup
while [ ! /proc/sys/kettle/boiled ];do;sleep 5;done
dd if=/proc/sys/kettle/spout of=coffee.cup bs=5ml count=50
drink coffee

The Windows Way

open Coffee Wizard
choose basic wizard option
click next
scroll past eula
tick "Accept EULA" check box
enter your username
enter password
click next
wait for authentication
enter username again
enter password again slowly
click next
wait for authentication
select auto search for mug
select auto search for kettle
click next
curse and swear pointing out kettle with finger
click back
select kettle and watch mug being deselected
try to select mug again, but no longer appearing in list
click back
click back
click back
select advanced wizard option
click next
scroll past eula
tick "Accept EULA" check box
enter your username
enter password slowly
click next
enter administrator username
enter administrator password
browse for kettle file
browse for mug file
fail to fing mug file
search for mug file in windows explorer and find in "My Kitchen"
return to Coffee Wizard and browse to "My Kitchen"
select "show all files"
click on coffee.cup
click next
call Microsoft Technical Support
wait for 2 hours in queue
Close wizard
Open wizard
select advanced wizard option
click next
scroll past eula
tick "Accept EULA" check box
enter administrator username
enter administrator password
browse for kettle file
browse for mug file
explain to support technician about file being in there
open file using notepad
read contents line by line to technician
open regedit
set HKLM\Current Control Set\System\Microsoft\coffeecup\allowothercup => "1"
reboot computer
restart Coffee Wizard Advanced Wizard
curse at "Error, cannot find Water v2.0 SP1" error
Walk to Starbucks

Friday 2 March 2012

Typing with guantlets

There's a reason touch typing is called as such. You press the keys through touch, much like a guitarist positions his fingers for chords out of practice and muscle memory.

I like to think that it also refers to the mechanism you use in typing. Touching the keys to depress them. It's amazing to hear people typing from the far side of the room, even worse when you happen to be sitting next to them.

I call them Keyboard Barbarians they seem to require bashing away at the keyboard to get the letters upon screen.


Not only is it annoying, it's also breaking the keyboard. If you think you are a Keyboard Barbarian, please stop.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Monit - Every admin's little gem

I recently have taken over from a past admin, that set up a number of systems then moved on, leaving the CTO in charge of the systems (woe is me).

So there is a small clustered system, and it appears one of the services is a touch unstable, and the cluster isn't detecting the failure, the solution put in place, make the cluster failover once in a while to restart the services.

Now I just can't figure this out. First, the admin in question had set it to restart the heartbeat (seriously bad idea) on the running active server. So the non-active server starts up the service.
Where did he get that bright idea from. Also the fact of this bludgeoning method. So I start looking round for the method to monitor and manage the cluster. It appears there isn't, the config runs, the heartbeat watches for the server to fail but no actual management. Poor D- for you.

So I look to an old friend, Monit. A simple daemon on the server that can monitor services, files, free space and either alert or restart the service or other things. Simples.

So on it pops and off we go, most Linux distributions have a copy, alternatively the likes of RPMFusion will provide binaries.

Things you need to make sure you setup,

Set an email server
set mailserver <yourhostmailserver or localhost>

Set alert emails
set alert <youremailhere>

Rather than putting your entire config in one file (because it's just plain confusing, or perhaps that's what you like)

Set config file directory
include /etc/monit.d/*

I would recommend this location, because it's a sensible name and we all like being sensible, don't we children.

So in /etc/monit.d/myborkedservice I have the following

check process with pidfile /location/of/pidfile
start program = "/etc/init.d/borkedservice start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/borkedservice stop"

The system will automatically alert (via the email) on either a failure or a changed pid (i.e the process has restarted)

On the none active server I have the additional line

mode passive

This alerts but does not actually restart the service. When I figure out how to get this to work with HA I'll post again. however, I am going to presume there is a better method (like getting the borkservice(tm) to work and/or HA properly working)

Monday 26 September 2011

Wasting Time

I have recently joined a new company, and I know there has been a few issues with trust and time wasting. But just as much of my time is being locked off certain things. As the systems administrator, I need access to about everything. I wasted a shed load today by not being able to get hold of certain downloads because torrents are evil.
No torrents are not evil, illegal file sharing is.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Working with colleagues

Life can be stressful. Work can induce a lot of stress for people, especially when you asked to take on problems you have little control over. So regaining control is important to reducing your stress.
Communicate with your colleagues, use simple clear instructions and sentencing. Waffle and indeterminate expression may save some feelings, but it does not help. This is business get things fixed, make the time for socialization over coffee at other times.
Use sensible limestone of communications. Email is not suited to discussion. If you are giving multiple people information or instructions, but require for everyone to know what is going on, make sure each person knows the bits they are responsible for.
Never email some who sits next to you for a rant, if you have some issues. Either talk or if you are unble to talk instant message.
If you are under strain, ask for help, sensible help, make clear what you need, and thank them afterwards. Keep and amend those instructions for next time.
As an admin your job is a bunch of procedures, that hopefully you can put onto a junior. Find those procedures, get someone else to do them, then find a quiet corner to drink your coffee or play with something fun.
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